Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Progress with the website

I have finally started the website and i am know working on the password page and home page. I am using Java script to enter the script for the password box and this basically tells the system that it is a password system and what it is meant to do. I have also added some sprinkles that follow the mouse on this page and this is also done through inserting a java script script into the script of the page. so far this is what i have ....

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Java Script Password

When creating a website and using a java script  is not as safe because you are able to view the source of the information and the usernames and passwords by simply clicking the "Page" button and seleccting the "view source to view the Website's script.
This is not good because the information is not protected and can be acceced by anyone. The level of security on this website is very minimal.

This an example of my sample site and how you are  to access the script and the information on it.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Ideas For website

This is my final decision on the ideas that i have come up with to include in my website:
  • One artist for the whole website and having different pages for each thing about the person. eg page one would have bibliography, page two would have their success in the music industry etc
  • Concentrate on the company Young Money Cash money
  • Have the website be about 3 males and 3 female artists and have information on their life,successes and also videos of their best hits
  • Concentrarte on the Music Choice Awards and Review on the event

Monday, June 6, 2011

Website intro

The class has just received our class project and its to create a website on sharepoint designer and i have descided that i will work on the website by myself and we were told that we could choose anything to base outr project on and i am definately doing mine on Music!