Sunday, February 27, 2011

Mini-project Presentation -> IDENTITY FRAUD :O

This is mine and Simran's group work for our mini project.
However, we did ours on powerpoint but this is just the information.

  1. Provide a definition of your topic
Identity fraud is when someone steals personal information, opens credit card accounts in the victim's name without permission, and charges merchandise to those accounts. Conversely, identity fraud does not occur when a credit card is simply stolen. Stealing one’s credit card may be consumer fraud, but is not identity fraud. Identity fraud is a synonym of unlawful identity change. It indicates unlawful activities that use the identity of another person or of a non-existing person as a principal tool for merchandise procurement.

  1. How are databases involved in this topic?
All the information of one’s identity is stored on databases either at School, work, phone companies etc. For example, Fadzwai’s personal details such as address, phone numbers and name would be kept in the school database. So from this information, a thief may come and claim that they are Fadzwai, which is identity fraud.

  1. Describe the type of data stored about individuals in relation to this topic.
The types of data stored in these databases include;
·         Address
·         Phone Number
·         Personal details e.g. name, surname, age, date of birth
·         Family detail
·         Health information
·         Email addresses
·          Visual Images
·         Religion
·         Employment details

  1. Describe some of the ways in which this data can be misused.
Data can be misused through act identity fraud. One can access all your personal details and issue it to others or place a fake identity claiming that they are you.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What is a database?
A database is a structured collection of records or data that is stored in a computer system.
Examples of Databases
- google
1.      I know there is a computer shop in the main street of Katoomba (Katoomba St.), but I don’t know its name. See if you can find the number for me.
The number of the store is 122 and their phone number is 4782 2228.

2.      Sally lives in Merrylands on Fowler Rd. and she wants to know the closest florist to where she lives. Help her out (see if you can get her a map).
The closest florist to her is M & A Fresh Cut Flowers at 91a Fowler Rd, Merrylands

3.      You want the phone numbers of some motels in Noosa QLD. But of course your phone book only has NSW numbers?

4.      Just for fun try the white pages and see if you can find a map of you or your friends house.
This is a map showing my friend's house.

    Is the yellow/white pages a database? Give reasons for your answer.
Yes it is because it is a collection of records stored within a computer system.

What can you see as some of the advantages of using this electronic database compared to the conventional paper based version of the yellow pages?
There are many advantages such as:
-it is easier to use as we do not need to search through pages of information in order to find what we desire. We can put it into the search bar and will have the results immediately, saving a lot of time and getting results without spending large amounts of time searching.
-It can also be accessed from anywhere there is an internet connection whereas the paper based version can only be accessed where it is printed or it would need to be carried around.
-using the electronic database is very environmentally friendly as it means trees do not need to be felled to make paper.

 Do you see any dangers or disadvantages in this online version of the yellow pages?
Yes, there are many dangers and disadvantages such as:
-someone could use your name and address to stalk you
-someone could pretend to be you and do wrong things using your name and address meaning you would get into trouble for it

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Database Activity

What is a database?
A collection of data; information stored, typically in electronic format. It may contain bibliographic, numerical or other data, generally structured so that it can be sought and retrieved automatically.

Examples of databases
The data in a relational database is stored in various data tables. Each table has a key field which is used to connect it to other tables. Hence all the tables are related to each other through several key fields. These databases are extensively used in various industries and will be the one you are most likely to come across when working in IT.
are Oracle, Sybase ,google, yahoo,bing,itunes etc

The other type of databases are operational database.  An operational database is usually hugely important to Organisations as they include the customer database, personal database and inventory database i.e. the details of how much of a product the company has as well as information on the customers who buy them. The data stored in operational databases can be changed and manipulated depending on what the company requires.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Creating a new database

Tables store data, so they're essential building blocks of any database.
A database should have a separate table for every major subject, such as employee records, customer orders, shipping methods, or suppliers. Data should not be duplicated in multiple tables. Duplicating data is a common error, but it's easy to avoid if you structure your tables well.

Each table contains rows called records and columns called fields.
A record is a collection of facts about a particular person, event, CD, or other item of interest.
A field is a single kind of fact that may apply to each person, event, or other record

The fields in your database have settings that determine the type of data they can store, how the data is displayed, and what you can do with the data.
One important setting for fields is the data type, including number, text, currency (money), and date/time (shown together as one type in Access). The data type limits and describes the kind of information in the field. The data type also determines the actions you can perform on a field and how much memory the data uses. Fields also have properties that control the details of information inside them, including a character length, a default value, and a validation rule that makes sure the data meets certain criteria. The properties make it easier to enter and manage data.

To distinguish one record from another, tables can contain a primary key field.
The primary key is an identifier—such as a part number, a product code, or an employee ID—that's unique to each record.A primary key separates similar information and makes each record unique. It also brings information together. You relate one table to another using a primary key. This is how tables share data, and how you can avoid repeating information in both the tables

Monday, February 7, 2011

Database Dictionary


Field: A space allocated for a particular item of information in database management systems. Fields are them stored in a record.

Record: In database management systems , it is a complete set of information Many records will them create a file.

File:A file is a block of information or resource for storing information. It contains a number of records that have fields within them such as an adress field, phone number field and a name field.

Query: A request for information from a database.

Database: A collection of information organized in such a way that a computer program can quickly select desired pieces of data

DBM''s: A collection of programs that enables you to store, modify, and extract information from a database
Data Dictionary: . A data dictionary contains a list of all files in the database, the number of records in each file, and the names and types of each field

Data Type: A classification identifying one of various types of data, as floating-point, figure, or Boolean, stating the possible values for that type, the operations that can be done on that type, and the way the values of that type are stored.

Illustrate, with the aid of a table or diagram, what is a file, record and field.

Common Databases:
  • RTA database- Its got all the drivers details such as their name, phone number, address etc.

  • Hospital database- The hospital database has all it's patients personal details (i.e. name, address, medical history etc.)

  • Library databse- Its got details about all the people registered with the library so that they can track them down if the need be. The details may include name, library card number, books/cd borrowed, phone number etc.

  • School databse- The school's database has got information about the students that go to the school...they have details such as name, d.o.b, phone number, their grades throughout their school life etc.

  • Council database- The council database has information on everyone living in that area. Information may include the person's name, address, phone number etc.